




入手是随机的 入手不是随机的……
可通过英文资料里说的RNG(Random Number Generator)方法来100%获得。
The Tisiphone Edge
The Tisiphone Edge is the strongest light blade in the game with an attack of
+178 and the ideal weapon for Ivan and Jenna. The Tisiphone Edge is dropped
by Cruel Dragons, which are only found in the Islet Cave's teleport area.
There is a 1 in 256 chance of the Cruel Dragon dropping the T-Edge, and the
chances are only slightly better when you finish it off with a Mars Djinni.
However, there is an RNG method that lets you get it your first try. An RNG
method (stands for Random Number Generator) is a method which, basically,
gives you the drop item the first time. Here are a few tips to ensure
success: This RNG method is for a level 50 team, so if your team is a lower
level or a higher level adjust the level of psynergy spell accordingly (as in
if it says to use earthquake, if you are weaker then level 50 use quake
sphere). Also, the Cruel Dragon plus the other enemy MUST be the first enemys
you encounter in the long hallway when you turn on the GBA or the strategy
will not work. One last tip: Always use a hard reset, do not hold A, B, Start
and Select for the other reset.
This is how the RNG method goes:
Save in the Islet Cave's long hallway, and then turn the GBA off and on.
If there's an enemy with the Cruel Dragon, success!
Attack order (as in who attacks first): Sheba, Felix, Jenna, Piers
All spells are targeted at the Cruel Dragon.
Round 1
Sheba casts Shine Plasma.
Felix casts Quake Sphere.
Jenna casts Cycle Beam.
Piers casts Glacier.
Round 2
Sheba casts Shine Plasma.
Felix casts Earthquake.
Jenna unleashes Fury. The Cruel Dragon should die.
Piers attacks the other enemy. It dies, or you go to round 3, in which you
use anything but Djinni to kill it.
You'll get the Tisiphone Edge. |