本帖最后由 泉こなた 于 2011-8-16 09:18 编辑
上届冠军,本届第三名,Galileo De Obaldia:
I don´t want to post a lot, as it´s over right now, so no point but..first, thanks to those who wished me well.
As for the "cheating thing", the judge warned/cautioned, told him to stop it..MULTIIPLE times, between day 1 AND day 2, especially at least 4 or 5 times during my match, without me even saying anything.
It was the judges call to follow the procedure as he did, so there is no point debating that, however, when you are so close to winning worlds two times in a row, something almost impossible, and you hear he has been warned in swiss, opponents have been complaining, then you see it for yourself, and the judges see it, and head judge sees it, and he gets told to stop, he says "sorry" and carries on doing it, and gets told AGAIN multiple times to stop..and he just keeps doing it, and nothing happens, which in MY opinion, is not right. But it´s what happened, so I have to deal with it.
1st and 3rd is a very good result, and I´m proud. But I feel cheated, and I feel I could have done better. If all this doesn´t convince someone that I was cheated, well, it´s ok. It doesn´t even matter now.
第一名和第三名是非常好的结果,我很自豪。但是我觉得他作弊了,而且我觉得我可以做的更好。如果这都不能说服你有人在我身上作弊的话,那好吧,现在已经无所谓了。 |