楼主 |
发表于 2005-6-22 14:35:34
it is not finished yet, but will be soon,before 0:01am
REV绝对是神话般主机,传闻几乎天天不断,包括上面的"GAME revO (Over)","NintendoOn",哪怕最后不能和真实Rev相同,也是情理之中,因为早就有人说过,REV这个任天堂至关重要的计划,是同时存在多种方案的。硬件性能也好,系统设计也好,任天堂有充分修改的余地。下面的先睹为快,稍后补完。
MR.N: quite busy but i am still updating, this post will be finished before midnight. the following is only a part of the core content... real or fake, god knows.
according to a forum member of nintendo of america, not nessesarily to be official, but...
http://forums.nintendo.com/ninte ... p;message.id=151087
Specs of Nintendo Revolution are as follows
A quad core IBM 2.7 G5 processor. IBM and NEC worked on the system LSI
512 megabits of Mosys Ram developed in conjunction with NEC
System Performance of 2 teraflops.
Graphics Chip: Developed by ATI. The team working on the Graphics chip use to work at ARTX who use to be employed by Silicon Graphics.
Lauch Date is March 2006
System Price is 249.00
System with Visor and Metroid 3: 349.00
Games at Launch Metroid, Zelda
Mario 128 will follow in the Summer |