楼主 |
发表于 2005-7-5 00:00:36
hehe, i am not trying to make all you laugh
首先在newwise论坛感谢stage1的huya以及darkbaby指出前文中在下对Kid Icalus游戏解释的一些疏漏。
《Kid Icalus》是早在FC世代的游戏,是横井先生的代表作之一(huya,stage1st)。
《Kid Icarus》实际并不是任天堂本社开发,而是委托了DATA EAST负责制作,但据说两社此后发生了利益分配的纠葛,合作从此中断......(darkbaby, stage1st)
以下据说是最新的《Kid Icalus》海报(传闻),由Nintendo-Centrum提供。
http://revolutionrumors.blogspot ... r007-interview.html
I was able to inteview SeriousGamer007:
Phalanx says:
Serious says:
Phalanx says:
Nice to talk to you
Serious says:
Serious says:
You have 10 minutes
Phalanx says:
I would like to ask you a couple questions?
Phalanx says:
very well
Phalanx says:
What information do you believe to be true?
Serious says:
Serious says:
As in the picture are prototypes
Phalanx says:
When you say Visor, what do you mean?
Phalanx says:
Serious says:
Everyone thinks the visor will be virtual reality
Phalanx says:
Where have you recieved your information from?
Serious says:
think more like an increase in immersion
Serious says:
I am on the inside
Serious says:
will not say anymore
Phalanx says:
Serious says:
in regards to that question
Phalanx says:
Is NintendON a conspiracy created by Nintendo?
Serious says:
Phalanx says:
but with an interview with Pablo BelMonte on Nintendo-Revolution there was proof that it was a fan made video
但是(Felafelkid)在与Pablo Belmonte在Nintendo-Revolution的访谈已经证明了那是个假的影像。
Serious says:
Phalanx says:
and that Pablo created it and not anyone else
Serious says:
In a week?
Serious says:
This was purely a marketing strategy.
Phalanx says:
I believe he stated that he created the video and then his hard drive was destroyed and then he recreated in a short amount of time because he had already created it once before
Serious says:
I am going to have to take a quick break
Serious says:
be back on in a few minutes.
Phalanx says:
Serious says:
I do apologize for this inconvenience I am very busy. I will be on in a few minutes
Serious says:
I am back
Phalanx says:
Serious says:
Advertising is fun
Serious says:
go ahead
Phalanx says:
Can you tell me more about the visors?
Serious says:
What would you like to know
Phalanx says:
Will it be like the NintendON helmet?
Serious says:
Phalanx says:
What will it be like?
Serious says:
More like an Emagin concept
Serious says:
It is designed more for immersion
Serious says:
it will immerse you in a game. It wil also have gyroscopes in it to aid in leaning left to right.
Serious says:
This is one of the most difficult things to master. What is to much and what is to little.
Phalanx says:
Earlier on, on the Nintendo Forums, you stated that the controller will be dual-handed and then you contradicted yourself saying that the touch-controller is the real thing. How do you explain this?
Serious says:
The two handed controller is one thing that was being looked at however ultimately has been decided that it wasnt quite feasible
Serious says:
The single controller is much more familiar to the everyday gamer the gyroscopes add a new sense of innovation to this technology that is unique and fun
Phalanx says:
Will the revolution feature 3d images?
Serious says:
3D how
Serious says:
like steroscopic 3d
Phalanx says:
Serious says:
It has been discussed
Phalanx says:
one moment
Phalanx says:
Is there anything else you would like to add?
Phalanx says:
anything you want to reveal?
Serious says:
Serious says:
Have you noticed Aug 2005 ads as well as Mar 2006 ads
Phalanx says:
Serious says:
Truth lies in both.
Serious says:
Know this
Phalanx says:
Let me guess
Serious says:
The Revolution will be the most innovative powerful game console system in the hystory of gaming
Phalanx says:
August is when it will be revealed
Phalanx says:
March is when it will launch
Phalanx says:
What do you have to say about this thread you created? It more of a speculation thread than a thread that reveals inside info
Phalanx says:
http://forums.nintendo.com/ninte ... e.id=134186#M134186
Serious says:
There is a fine line between a person that gives speculation and one who is in marketing to create hype
Phalanx says:
I see
Phalanx says:
are you part of what people call the "N-Game"?
Serious says:
I am part of the Revolution Game
Serious says:
I am designed to do one thing
Phalanx says:
Serious says:
Phalanx says:
Can you reveal anyone else that is part of the N-Game?
Serious says:
Know this Nintendo will take back its marketshare
Serious says:
Phalanx says:
What other N-Siders do you believe to be real?
Phalanx says:
Revdeveloper for instance?
Phalanx says:
Osoko Tanaka?
Serious says:
When the Revolution is released Sony, and Microsoft will not be able to match Revolution in terms of Power and innovation in time for their scheduled launch
Serious says:
Serious says:
You can judge who is real or not
Serious says:
I ask that you and all the Nintendo Fans do one thing
Phalanx says:
What is that?
Serious says:
Believe in Nintendo again. Believe that Nintendo has heard you after all these years. Believe in the Revolution. Nintendo will again rise to the top and dominate. Sony be warned. Your days are over. The industry belongs to Nintendo.
After that last post, he logged off without saying another thing.
以上“相声”,感谢Revolution Rumors网站独家提供^_^。
E-Mail 1:
As for the controller I don’t think it has been finalized but I have
seen and programmed for the official concept controller and used it
twice. It is very similar to the “nesvolution” one pad for each hand
with weighted gyroscopes and haptic feedback. At first glance it
seems kind of weird to think about tactically using it to control
certain types of games but once you pick it up its actually very
simple and easy to use with any game. I know Nintendo is still
working on a way to connect the two controllers at the players will,
probably through a magnetic lock system. As for the Nintendo On
which it WILL NOT be called once it is confirmed will present a
panoramic view to represent a full field on vision as we all have in
real life and will be in HD believe it or not. It will probably be
confirmed when the spec for the Rev. are made public and will be
launched a quarter year after Rev. launches. My only gripe is that
the On system at launch will retail for the same amount as the actual
Rev. system itself. It will not be a gaming machine unto itself but
merely an add-on to the Rev. to allow completely immersive
Stereoscopic 3-D will also be a prevalent part of the interface but
coupled with the visor and controllers will allow something NEVER
seen before in gaming. The stereoscoping is still being tweaked to
turn whatever room your in into a the game environment effectively
rendering your room part of the game. Coupled with the visor this
could turn you entire home into a nightmarish landscape. The
projector alone with only be able to project a limited no. of NPC’s
into your environment at any given time depending on the size of the
NPC‘s. Take RE4 for example the projector could probably project
about 12 ganados at any given time into your environment but only one
El Gigante or boss at a time. When the visor is on though it will
allow the entire game to be presented in full virtual reality with no
sacrifices whatsoever, and with the environment capturing radar it
could effectively turn your own home into the game environment.
Imagine Resident Evil zombies busting through your doors and coming
after you with their blood and body parts being rendered onto your
environment in real-time as you fight them. That is an actual
possibility of the On visor.
The controller will be capable of everything past controllers were
but much more and the customization that you will have at your hands
is unprecedented. It will feature haptic feedback illustrating
through vibration whatever your on-screen character is doing or
feeling this represents mood, heartbeat, nervousness, adrenaline
rushes, tension, being shot or hit with something, jumping from a
high place, etc… This haptic force feedback will be mapped into
buttons and controller itself. Another controller feature is its
ability to heat up and cool down illustrating how the environment
temperature feels or it you are having to hold on to something that
is hot or cold. Coupled with this is the controller will have
built-in mic to talk to things or blow on things in the game to move
them or cool them down. The mic will also have voice distortion
features to work with the dev. Tool or chat online. The other big
feature of the controller is its ability to feel depth and reach out
and grab the world so to speak. For example instead of just pressing
a button to open a door you would point one of the control pad towards
the door twist the knob and pull the door open, or just kick it open
with another movement. This depth mapping allows all sorts of
actions to be preformed much more realistically and true to life for
example: swinging a sword, reloading or firing a weapon, picking
something up and turning it over, do melee combat with your own two
An example I saw in action was a character was hanging from a ledge
MGS style and you would literally have to squeeze the handles to keep
from falling and you could also feel the haptic vibration from his
heart and the coolness of the ledge. This was a tech demo showing
all of the features working together. Of course all this will be
left up to the developer but they promise to be extraordinary
features. The projector will also have two options: Stereoscopic 3-D
or flat panel projection. This allows Rev. to be a portable system as
it can project the game on any wall or flat surface. The stand for
Rev. will be a recharger of sorts and will have the angle required to
be project Stereoscopic 3-D properly. The only reason for the
rechargeable battey is for the projection otherwise when you run out
of battery life you can just hook it up to a TV or computer monitor.
Alright I have to get back to work but I will keep you up to date as I
can please ask any questions you might have.
E-Mail 2:
I have signed back on to gamespot under the same username don’t know
for how long though. Anyway just wanted to present the full picture
of what the Nintendo Revolution will be. Take into account
everything I have mentioned an advanced dev. Tool, the spec, the
controller, Stereoscopic 3-D, Wi-Fi connectivity, and the addition of
the ON peripheral will allow something never before seen. As for the
spec the three PPU and AI chips are not regular large accelerator
cards but small custom chips that have dedicated specific jobs. This
decision makes the chips very inexpensive since they are all done to
Nintendo specifications and are all new tech. This frees up needed
power, lowers price and gives an easy development process. A lot of
this has to do with space compensation where it appears they have
taken the basic idea of nanotechnology and basically super sized it
cutting down power consumption and increasing power in an inexpensive
way, not to mention a dramatic drop in heat dissipation. It is not
nano but it takes that basic idea of compacting everything close
together to get huge optimum performance on low power consumption.
Combined with the controller everything falls into place if you think
about it allowing and forcing innovation in a practical way. The
controller will have the option to connect the two pads if you’d like
and you will not have to necessarily do unorthodox movement in most
games it is all in how you combine and complement all the features
together that will create the Revolution.
The ON peripheral will not turn every game to first-person perspective
you will see the character just the same as on T.V. just in a more
immersed virtualized reality. And the ON will be able to capture
your environment and use that as the basis for the game environment
or actually capture the room that your in into the game world as the
projector will not be capable of doing. I don’t think the dev. Tool
at launch will be capable of giving you all the features that the
Rev.’s controller and the On will have to work with and put in other
games. But I wouldn’t doubt they will be made available at some time
for a fee through Nintendo’s Wi-Fi connection. Stereoscopic 3-D and
the flat-panel 20’in. projection will also be amazing feature that
the new games will be able to present, it will be a very
high-fidelity LCD inexpensive projector created in Japan. The
heat/cool sensors won’t be able to burn or freeze your hand probably
only a 15 degree room tempature difference at max.
There seems to be this false notion that Nintendo just can’t afford
all this but all who believe this are fools, Nintendo makes only
profits and is just as rich as Sony only through gaming technology,
they are HUGELY rich. A multi-billion dollar company that has not
seen debt since the Virtual Boy trust me when I say that Nintendo is
not hurting for money. I hope developers implement the dev. Tool
into some sort of actual gameplay. And the dev. Tool alone with the
controller features and customization gives the entire back library
an infinite replay value, just think about it. I was messing around
with the dev. Tool and was playing through Ocarina of time with Leon
with a shotgun, Rocket Lancher, boomerang, and hookshot with
cel-shaded deaths for the NPC’s and I had it playing like a dream in
about 20 minutes. With rag doll physics and everything and whats
great is anybody can do it us developers will be working with the
same thing to make the games for Rev. as the consumer can play around
with. And the controller adds all new depth and features to old games
as you can customize it to your liking.
As to the Rogue Squadron game I’m working with to my knowledge it will
be on all three platforms, I am working on the Xbox 360 version and
let me tell you from first hand experience that the 360 dev. Tool
sucks! All it is is a souped up xbox with more online features
that I don’t even care about. The games will have to be at least $80
for premire blockbusters since it is grueling trying to map out and
detail everything and takes so much time and there are so many bugs
to work out. That is what makes the Rev. a supreme system since it
supports dedicated cube-mapping and other patented techniques that
allow extremely detailed environments and characters with little work
and lets you focus more on gameplay and controller complementation. I
really hope that Epic and Carmack allow their engines to be dedicated
at least for developers because the performance and ease of
development that the Rev. will allow will crush Xbox 360’s
complicated and piece of junk dev. Kit, and PS3’s is WAY worse it
will take at least two years to even match what was seen in the PS3
trailers at E3 just in the visuals department. Although you will
have to purchase a broadband wireless adapter to connect to Wi-Fi
without a hotspot but it gives online multiplayer a whole new kind of
fun and eliminates all the bs that revolves around xbox live. The
visor with the ON with feature 5.1 surround sound and present games
in 720p. This move to HD makes sense because not everybody owns an
HDTV instead they are bundling it with that add-on in an inexpensive
way so everyone can enjoy it I presume. The Rev. system itself will
snap into place in the ON component to be compatible with the visor.
Whereas the part where the projector is on the Rev. will go directly
into the ON and now you will be able to play in virtual reality. The
visor may or may not have built-in gyroscopes for turning your head
but I think that is still being debated, it wasn’t in the prototype
that I used anyway. The only game that was on the list I sent you
guys that I have doubts about making it to the US is “Ichi the
Killer” it is based on a Japanese film from the director of movies
Audition, Visitor Q, and Dead or Alive and from what I saw it will be
EXTREMELY violent. The game has to do with torture and the Ya Kuza
mafia and plays into the violence and torture with the controller
features. I have never seen the movie but I can imagine from what I
saw from the game that it is gut-wrenching. Anyway I hope I could
give you a more in-depth idea of what the Rev. will actually be. My
real excitement comes from being able to see what people are going to
do with it and being able to develop for it, the dev. Tool and
controllers with the ON add-on has me really stoked to say the least.
Anyways we’ll be in touch and take care
自称是“来自游戏制作商Factor 5的两位工作人员”,在给某人的Email中披露了任天堂Revolution控制器的全部真相。
两封Email 都很长,翻译显然来不及了,其实原文中提到的内容非常具有可读性(推荐)。各位如果不介意的话,再下只能先说一下信中提到的一些主要概念(MR.N使用略微YY的语言,见谅^^)
NintendoON的游戏体验:想象一下,戴上NintendoON类似头盔的你正在玩《生化危机》,你是生化里的角色里昂。你是整个游戏世界的一部分,上下左右旋转头部可以看见周围的景物。你发现有恐怖的丧尸向你袭来,举起散弓单木仓(双手的控制器)向它们射击,不幸的是残弓单突然不够了,怎么办….只好掏出“求生匕首”,你用右手在空中挥舞几下,一个丧尸即刻在喷血嚎叫中阵亡,holy da*n,后面还有10多个…算了,撤退吧,可是门在哪里……..转了半天,你发现门其实就在你身后,回过头将手(手柄)伸向门把,(游戏中里昂的手就握住了门把),接着一转手柄,门开了…你进入一个有打印机的房间….wow……..从抽屉翻出墨盒,存档………….(MR.N:笑,那真的是“革命”,读完这两封email,脑中浮现以上这幅图景^^)
记得Deeper_ Throat给我们的提示么?这个技术,就相当于任天堂早在FC时代就应用的DuckHunt的光木仓原理,对3D场景的应用(也即在下过去提到的“方案一”)。
[ Last edited by MR.Nintendo on 2005-7-5 at 01:10 ] |