本帖最后由 Gundaman 于 2010-7-27 17:39 编辑
http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=%E5%BB%A3%E5%B7%9E+7.25&aq=f 友情鏈接
上到language loss, language death.
引用一下課文:Q What qualities a language t be considered as an " endangered " one?
A In most general terms, it means that parents are no onger teaching the language to their children and are not using it actively
in everyday matters.
Q Why does a language become " endangered "?
A Factors that contribute to this codition are the small number of speakers, their ages, whether or not children
are using the language, the use of other languages regularly in various cultural settings, feelings of ethnic identity
and attitudes about their language in general, the urban drift of the population, government and church policies,
the langage(s) used in edacation, as well as economic intrusion and exploitation.
順便在這裡給某些年輕人提個醒: 國有國法,家有家規,上來NW就要心平氣和好好說話,非必要時就好好用書面語。
把行動放到外面去實際行動一下,光耍嘴皮跟JBZF有兩樣嗎? |