Jack_ocg 发表于 2006-1-12 16:11:40


dongdong134 发表于 2006-1-12 16:42:23

原帖由 Jack_ocg 于 2006-1-12 16:11 发表
预赛一共五轮, 每轮40分钟. 每轮所有选手同时开赛. 三局两胜制.
五轮结束后取胜率最高的8人进入决赛. 决赛淘汰制.

诛神的使者 发表于 2006-1-12 18:08:46


evilzero 发表于 2006-1-12 18:11:03


chenrenchun 发表于 2006-1-12 18:34:58

A-10.        End-of-Match Procedure

This procedure went into effect on July 1, 2005.

When time is called at the end of a round, the current turn of each game that’s still in progress is completed. If a winner is not determined by the end of that turn, play will continue for an additional three turns, starting the count with the opponent’s turn. After the additional three turns, play will stop, and the Match winner will be determined by the following process:

•        If a winner has not been determined by the end of the additional three turns, the player with the greater Life Point total wins the game. If both players’ Life Points are equal, play continues until the first change in Life Points. Always resolve all effects that are already on the chain before comparing the players’ Life Points.
•        After the winner of the game in progress has been determined, a player wins the Match if he or she has more game wins than the opponent. If both players have an equal number of game wins, they will start a new game. This game will last for a maximum of four turns, two for each player. Side Decks may not be used before starting this game. At the end of the fourth turn, the player with the greatest Life Point total wins the Match. If the Life Point totals are equal, continue play until the first change in Life Points. Always resolve all effects that are already on the chain before comparing the players’ Life Points.
•        If players are between games when time is called, and one player has a greater number of game wins, that player wins the Match.

Example 1: Time is called at the end of a round. Two players are still in the middle of game 1. Robert is at 2000 Life Points, and Kelly is at 3000 Life Points. Robert finishes the turn and manages to reduce Kelly’s Life Points to 1000. Kelly takes her next turn and reduces Robert’s Life Points to 0. Kelly wins the game, and she thus wins the Match because time was called during game 1.

Example 2: Time is called during game 2. David has already won game 1. The current turn is completed, and during the three additional turns, Emanuel wins the game. A third game is immediately started (Side Decks are not used), and at the end of the fourth turn, David has the higher Life Point total. David wins the Match.

Example 3: Time is called between games 1 and 2. Mark won game 1, so he wins the Match.

Example 4: Time is called after game 2 has concluded but prior to the beginning of game 3. Each player has one game win. Since the players are in between games and may have already started to use their Side Decks, they may continue to Side Deck as normal. The players start a new game, which will last for a maximum of four turns, two for each player. At the end of the fourth turn, the player with the greater Life Point total wins the Match. If Life Points are equal, play continues until the first change in Life Points.

Example 5: Time is called during game 3. Michelle and Danny have each won a game in the Match. Michelle finishes her turn, and she and Danny complete three additional turns with their Life Points tied at 4000 each. They continue playing until the next Life Point change. Danny plays “Poison of the Old Man” to gain Life Points. Michelle chains “Secret Barrel.” Danny takes 200 points of damage and then gains 1200 Life Points. Danny is now 1000 points ahead on Life Points, so he is the winner of the game and therefore the Match.

A-11.        Side Decks

When playing in Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG tournaments, each player is allowed to bring a Side Deck to the tournament in addition to his or her regular Deck. The Side Deck is only used for games after the first game of a Match. If game 1 was not played because of a tournament penalty, players may still use their Side Decks for game 2. At the beginning of a Match, each player must revert his or her Deck back to its original state, undoing all changes that were made using the Side Deck during the previous Match.

Before the start of each Match, a player must place his or her Side Deck face down on the table. The opponent may count to ensure that a Side Deck contains fifteen cards. Players may not look at their Side Decks during a game.

When a player registers for a Constructed tournament, he or she may choose to register a Side Deck of exactly fifteen cards, or he or she may decide not to register a Side Deck at all.

Side Decks must always be fifteen cards—no more, no less. If a player uses a Side Deck between games, he or she must exchange cards on a one-for-one basis so that the Side Deck always contains fifteen cards. A player has three minutes between games to use his or her Side Deck, shuffle, and present his or her Deck to the opponent.

All Deck construction rules apply to the Deck, Fusion Deck, and Side Deck combined. For example, only one total copy of “Heavy Storm” is allowed between the Deck and Side Deck because it is a Limited card. If a player has “Heavy Storm” in his or her Deck, that player can't have it in the Side Deck.

If time is called for the round between games, players are not allowed to use their Side Decks for the next game. If players have already begun to Side Deck when time is called, they may finish Side Decking and then play the four allowed turns.

诛神的使者 发表于 2006-1-12 18:43:13

原帖由 evilzero 于 2006-1-12 18:11 发表

dongdong134 发表于 2006-1-12 18:45:41

原帖由 chenrenchun 于 2006-1-12 18:34 发表
A-10.        End-of-Match Procedure

This procedure went into effect on July 1, 2005.

When time is called at the end of a round, the current turn of each game that’s still in progres ...
UDE的官方规则我们人手一份,就不用发出来了. 我们会根据自己的需要,有修改的制定符合国内情况的规则.

凯渊-卓洛 发表于 2006-1-12 19:49:13



一 必要道具

1 报名表格
2 40张卡片以上的主卡组以及15张的副卡组
1 所有游戏王的正版卡片,本次大会必须使用正版卡片,不允许使用盗版卡片,替代卡片,以及以其他物品代替卡片等。
2 日美版等背面不同的卡片混用时,必须使用背面不透明的卡套,使用卡套时,卡套也被视做卡的一部分,其要求等同于卡片。
3 不允许在卡片贴贴纸等其他加工卡片的行为,或者因为卡片的自然磨损产生类似记号或者可能被当作记号使用,也不允许在卡套中放入使用卡片以外的任何物品。(特别强调,不允许使用卡底)
3 如果在决斗中要使用到的COIN等其他物品请自行携带。效果中使用的硬币和骰子由官方提供。

二 会场规则

1 大会规则
2 卡组使用规定
3 时间限制
判定1: 决斗进行中时间到的情况:
   1 正在进行的回合继续
   2 正在进行的回合结束时仍没有确定胜负的,进入“附加回合”
   3 “附加回合”的长度为3个回合(计算对手回合)
   4 “附加回合”结束后,以LP多的一方为该局的胜者,如果双方的LP仍然相同的,进入“突然死亡”
   5 “突然死亡”中,LP发生增减时决斗结束。以LP多的一方为胜者。
   6 以此方式判定胜利后,出现1胜1负的情况,再适用判定2决定该场比赛的胜负。
   1 进行4个回合的“附加回合”(计算对手回合)
   2 其余规定同“判定1”
   1 一胜的选手获得比赛的胜利

4 决斗流程中要注意的问题(违规行为就不列了,百密一疏,是否违规,具体交由裁判处理。觉得对手有违规行为的,可向裁判举报,针对平时娱乐和一些比赛中的问题,主要强调以下几点。)

   1 决斗开始前请互相问候
   2 决斗开始前,互相切牌。
   3 决斗中有不明的地方或者需要询问的,以及规则效果等处理上出现分歧的时候,请向裁判询问。
   4 决斗中的行为和处理,经双方确认后生效。已经由双方确认或者默认生效的,不再卷回进行处理。
   5 一经成立的裁判判决,决斗结果,必须无条件服从,不应任何原因进行更改。
   6 规则上规定公开的情报,(如手牌数,LP等)必须无条件公开展示,不得以任何方式掩饰,伪报。(例如,比赛中将手或者手牌藏于桌下的行为属于违规)
   7 决斗中不得与第三者交谈(裁判例外),更不能接受第三者提示等等。
   8 比赛中注意礼仪,任何不礼貌的言语或者举止都视为违规。
   9 决斗中不得饮食,离席须征得对手及裁判的同意。

三 处罚

1 警告:对违反规定的玩家进行警告。再没有其他因素影响的情况下,不发生实质效力。
2 一局负:对违反规定的玩家处于该局比赛判负的处罚,当该处罚是在2局之间实施时,判定为下一局负
3 全盘负:对违反规定的玩家处于该盘比赛判负的处罚,当该处罚是在2盘之间实施时,判定为下一盘负
4 取消比赛资格:取消该选手的比赛资格。又分为保留奖品和不保留奖品两种。保留奖品的,该选手在比赛结束后仍然可以得到他应得的奖品。不保留奖品的,该选手在比赛结束后不能获得奖品,奖品的分配顺延。

四 对一些名词的说明

1 上诉 如选手觉得裁判处理有误或者不当的,可以向主裁上诉。主裁的决定为最终决定,必须无条件服从。任何人不得更改。
2 平局 比赛的结果没有平局,出现平局的,判定为双方皆负
3 洗牌 洗牌是指将卡组内卡片排列顺序完全随机化的行为,所以禁止任何在洗牌之前有意排列卡片顺序或者刻意堆牌以及类似的行为。一经发现,以作弊论处。洗牌应当充分,但不得超过30秒。自己的卡组在自己洗完牌后请交由对方切牌,洗切对手卡组时请小心,不要损伤对手的卡片。
4 投降 原则上允许投降,一方宣布投降后,另一方即获得整场比赛的胜利。投降须有正当的理由,禁止以投降为交换条件达成某种协议或者以投降来获得某种利益。

[ 本帖最后由 凯渊-卓洛 于 2006-1-12 19:53 编辑 ]

心铭 发表于 2006-1-12 20:13:55


evilzero 发表于 2006-1-12 20:18:42


混沌开辟者 发表于 2006-1-12 21:04:06

原帖由 chenrenchun 于 2006-1-12 18:34 发表
A-10.        End-of-Match Procedure

This procedure went into effect on July 1, 2005.

When time is called at the end of a round, the current turn of each game that’s still in progres ...



[ 本帖最后由 混沌开辟者 于 2006-1-12 21:05 编辑 ]

凤凰神の羽毛 发表于 2006-1-12 21:15:04

原帖由 心铭 于 2006-1-12 20:13 发表




sky枪声 发表于 2006-1-12 21:19:08

原帖由 混沌开辟者 于 2006-1-12 21:04 发表



其实主要不是每一桌都要有个裁判   而是决斗者们遇到有不妥当的地方才向裁判询问


魔幻蓝天 发表于 2006-1-12 21:43:39


hb1051607 发表于 2006-1-12 22:09:13


北京卡豆 发表于 2006-1-12 22:58:12


sky枪声 发表于 2006-1-12 23:00:27

原帖由 hb1051607 于 2006-1-12 22:09 发表

小刚 发表于 2006-1-12 23:08:06


boloverain 发表于 2006-1-13 00:15:51


BBQ Sony 发表于 2006-1-13 00:28:37

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