
楼主 |
发表于 2024-5-22 22:54:08
FC 大话三国 (繁) [火星电子]
We have a completely new undumped game. But before you hyperventilate out of sheer excitement, keep in mind that the game was developed by Mars Productions and published by Yancheng. 大話三國 (Dahua Sanguo) is a turn-based strategy game. It plays like Fire Emblem on the NES, except that enemy troops look exactly like player troops unless they are active. The music is probably the worst you will ever hear on the NES/Famicom, even after factoring in The Terminator. As if that were not enough, any time that a message window or character portrait opens, the current song is restarted from the beginning, to make sure you hear the same two seconds again, again, again, and again. You have been warned.
The game comes is provided as an unmodified ROM file for NintendulatorNRS as well as mapper hacks for the very-similar-but-not-quite-the-same mapper 164, which is supported by better PC emulators, as well as for mapper 241, which even most flashcarts will support. Note that the game saves to EEPROM rather than battery-backed RAM, which only NintendulatorNRS emulates at this time.
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